Event : Beauty Class with MUA @iyetnurhayati95 lets join us -->

Event : Beauty Class with MUA @iyetnurhayati95 lets join us

Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

Come & Join us with beauty class @youmakeups_id with @iyetnurhayati95

Lokasi : De'cost mall of Serang 
Pelaksanaan : Sabtu,15 Feb 2020
Waktu : 13.00-16.00 wib 

HTM : 250k 
Benefit : 
1. Sertifikat
2. Voucher you 100k 
3. Makan siang 
4. Tools & makeup sudah di sediakan 
5. Doorprize 

Unlimited seat 
CP : 0882-9611-9630 Wahyuningsih